Inglés Frequency adverbs (Act 23)

                FREQUENCY ADVERBS.    Indicate how often  (how many times we do an activity)                                                                                                          
ALWAYS   100%   (siempre)     
USUALLY     80%    (generalmente)    
 OFTEN      60%      ( a menudo)
 SOMETIMES   40 %     (aveces)
 SELDOM    20 %       (casi nunca) 
 NEVER      0%  (nunca)                                

Example: I ALWAYS brush my teeth   /   I SOMETIMES go to the park

Now complete the spaces with a frequency adverb: LOOK at the %   
Example:  I--USUALLY-- watch T. V ( 80%)

1        1- I _____make my bed  ( 20%)
         2- I ______cook ( 40%)
         3- I ______ride a bike ( 20%)
         4- I _____ swim in a lake  (0%)
         5- I _____ play computer games( 100%)
         6- I _____ sing and dance( 60%)
         7- I _____ wash the dishes (40%)
         8- I _____ go to a museum (0%)
         9-I _____ help in the house (100%)
1      10-I _____ eat bread (60%)


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