Inglés Question Words What / Where (Act 32)


Today we  are going to study  question words  WHAT  WHERE 


WHAT___ you use it for things, situations  ( qué)

WHERE___ you use it for places (dónde)

Now, complete the questions with WHAT OR WHERE 

1-_WHAT_____  is that?   It is a computer game

2_WHERE____  do you live?   I live in Retiro

3- __________  are you eating?   An apple

4-___________  are your books?  They are in my school bag

5- ___________  is the dog?  It is in the garden

6- ___________ can I play football?  In the park

7-_____________ are my glasses? They are on the table

8_ ____________ are these bags?  They are presents for my sister´s birthday

9.____________ is my pencil? It is in your pencil box

10.___________ can I sit? On this  chair


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