Inglés To Be (Act 3)


                                                                                Practice: TO BE 

A)Choose the correct answer (Elijan la respuesta correcta)

1-The girls ARE/ AM/ IS  cooking now.

2- Mary and Susan IS / ARE/ AM walking to school

3. The dog ARE/ AM /IS  under the table

4- Today it  IS/ ARE/ AM  a sunny day.

5-I IS/ ARE/ AM happy.

B) Complete with AM / IS / ARE

1- What ___ your mother´s name?

2- What colour ___ the pencils?

3- Where ____ you from?

4- ___ this a ruler?

5- ___ the boys in the park now? 

6- ____ you at schoo now?

C) Complete with AM / IS / ARE

Mateo ___ from Argentina. He ___ 10 years old. He ___ fan of Racing Club. His friends ___ not from Racing. They ____ from San Lorenzo. Mateo and his friends ___ watching San Lorenzo´s match  now and Mateo ___ not happy.


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